what is ghost commerce and how does it work. a ghost commerce website page that shows ghost products as an example for ghost promoters to use to sell in the ghost commerce program

What is Ghost Commerce and How Does it Work?

Ghost Commerce is a new method of sales that is becoming increasingly popular, especially among individuals looking to create passive income. In this blog post, we’ll explain what Ghost Commerce is and how it works for creating and maintaining passive income.


What is Ghost Commerce?

Ghost Commerce is a relatively new sales strategy that has been gaining popularity in recent months. Essentially, it involves selling products or services without the need for a traditional online store.


Instead, Ghost Commerce relies on social media platforms, messaging apps, and other online channels to sell digital products or services directly to customers indiscreetly.


As a result, it offers a more streamlined and personalized buying experience for customers, while also minimizing the costs associated with setting up and maintaining an online store, or sales channel.


One of the key benefits of Ghost Commerce is how easy and fast the strategies are to implement. Unlike traditional e-commerce platforms, which can be complex and time-consuming to set up, Ghost Commerce methods can be implemented relatively quickly to start seeing results.


This makes it an attractive option for small businesses or entrepreneurs who want to start selling digital products online, but don't have the time or resources to build a full-fledged online store.

 ghost commerce half logo

How Does Ghost Commerce Work?

This method of sales utilizes social media platforms and messaging apps to sell digital products and services directly to customers. Business owners can showcase their digital products and services on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and then direct customers to a website or product page to complete the transaction.


The use of Ghost Commerce is also appealing to small business owners as it provides an affordable and accessible alternative to traditional online stores. This is especially true for those who may not have the resources to create and manage a traditional online store.


For individuals looking to generate passive income, becoming a Ghost Promoter for businesses that utilize Ghost Commerce, like TheEcomStore, is a great option. Ghost Promoters earn a commission for each sale they refer to the business owner.


This is a fantastic opportunity for individuals who do not have a digital product or service to sell but still want to earn passive income. By promoting the digital products or services of businesses that utilize Ghost Commerce, Ghost Promoters can earn a steady stream of passive income while helping these businesses reach a wider audience.


Benefits of Ghost Commerce for Passive Income

One of the main benefits of Ghost Commerce for passive income is that it allows individuals to earn money without having to create and manage a traditional online store. This is a significant advantage for those who do not have the resources or expertise to launch their own website.


Other noteworthy benefits of Ghost Commerce include:

  • Fast and flexible payout options 
  • Ability to promote digital products and services
  • No need to purchase inventory or manage a website
  • High % of commissions per sale
  • Partner with an already successful business to get a piece of the pie instead of building from scratch


A great benefit of Ghost Commerce for passive income is that it allows individuals to earn money without having to actively sell products.


By becoming a Ghost Promoter, individuals can earn commissions on sales referred to the business owner without having to actively promote the products or services.


This means that they can earn money even while they sleep, as long as customers continue to purchase products or services through their unique member link. This allows for a fast and flexible payout process for Ghost Promoters.


Through member portals, you can choose how often and the method of payment you’d like to be paid out. Typical payment options like PayPal or debit to a bank account are available.


Becoming a Ghost Promoter for a business that uses Ghost Commerce is a great option for individuals who do not want to invest time and resources into creating their own product or service.


By partnering with a business that offers Ghost Commerce, Ghost Promoters can promote the business's digital products or services through various marketing channels, including social media, and email marketing, or experienced marketers may even opt to create their own website dedicated to promoting the business and funneling sales through their own landing page.


Evergreen content in the form of videos can be utilized to funnel sales for long periods of time for a passive form of income to Ghost Promoters.


And because these products are primarily digital-based products, business owners can offer a high percentage of sales to the Ghost Promoter– as high as 50%!


Furthermore, Ghost Commerce can provide a high level of flexibility for individuals looking to earn passive income. They can choose to promote products or services that align with their interests or expertise, making the work feel less like work and more like a hobby, and helping promote a product or service that they already feel passionate about. 


Additionally, they can choose to work on their own schedule and from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection. Because of the internet, it’s easy to be a successful Ghost Promoter with a smartphone and the normal social media channels that the promoter already uses.


Overall, Ghost Commerce offers a variety of benefits for those looking to earn passive income. It provides a low-risk, low-cost way to earn money without having to create and manage a traditional online store or actively sell products.

Get Started with Ghost Commerce

Ghost Commerce is a great opportunity for anyone looking to create a new stream of income online. To get started with Ghost Commerce, check out our Ghost Commerce Membership Program.

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Alex K. - Fundador

Alex es un emprendedor en serie que ha creado numerosos negocios de 6 y 7 cifras en línea utilizando Shopify, Clickfunnels y otros mercados en línea. Su éxito proviene del estudio y la aplicación de técnicas de marketing digital que ha dominado y enseñado a sus alumnos y clientes durante los últimos 10 años. Con más de 200 000 seguidores en todos los canales, Alex ha reunido a una audiencia masiva que confía en él por su experiencia en su campo.

Alex ha pasado los últimos 10 años perfeccionando sus técnicas de marketing digital y aplicándolas a sus negocios y ayudando a otros a aplicarlas en los suyos. Su método patentado y su capacidad para iniciar un negocio desde cero y escalarlo a más de 7 cifras ha ayudado a generar millones en ventas para clientes y clientes por igual.

Parte de su trabajo incluye cursos, guías y planos de marketing digital de varias horas de duración que enseñan a los estudiantes cómo aplicar técnicas modernas de marketing digital a sus propios negocios en línea para impulsar el tráfico, generar ventas y recuperar clientes habituales. Sus cursos son para cualquier persona, desde principiantes, intermedios y expertos en marketing digital que podrían usar esa ventaja adicional para ayudarlos con su viaje de comercio electrónico. Cuando compre cualquiera de nuestros paquetes en nuestro sitio, se inscribirá automáticamente para recibir nuestro Curso de marketing digital de 0-7 Cifras que repasa en detalle los pasos que debe seguir desde iniciar su propia tienda de comercio electrónico hasta escalarla a siete cifras. Este proceso es probado y repetible y puede ser realizado por cualquiera que esté dispuesto a trabajar o le devolvemos su dinero. Por tiempo limitado, puede comprar nuestro paquete al mejor precio aquí por menos de $100:

El Paquete Soloemprendedor

TheEcomStore es la primera de su tipo y la ORIGINAL One-Stop-Shop para todo lo relacionado con el comercio electrónico. Desde marca blanca y venta al por mayor hasta dropshipping y arbitraje en línea, TheEcomStore es un socio orgulloso de Shopify que ayuda a crear y escalar marcas y sitios web propietarios de comercio electrónico a nuevas alturas.

Varias de nuestras tiendas Shopify han entrado en el 1% superior de todas las tiendas Shopify en visitas y conversiones. Utilizando las mismas prácticas que se proporcionan en nuestro Servicio Hecho para usted, nuestras tiendas han generado más de seis cifras en un solo mes.

Ya sea que desee vender un producto o un servicio, Alex y su equipo tienen años de investigación y desarrollo en el espacio web en línea y pueden ayudarlo con sus objetivos. Desde ingresos pasivos hasta marcas de 8 cifras, TheEcomStore puede brindarle marketing, desarrollo de marca, compra de medios, creación de contenido y mucho más.


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